Aberdeen Angus Cattle

The Aberdeen Angus comes originally of the pasture-lands of Scotland, from the counties of Aberdeenshire and Angus, where it was bred over 100 years ago. Today, Angus is one of the biggest beef breed in the world.

The main characteristics of the breed are: Ease of calving, easy to handle, high fertility, marbled meat.


Genetically accepted are black, red or brown animals with no horns (naturally polled). Smaller spots on the udder or lower stomach part are allowed. The favoured middle sized type incorporates a high standing cylinder-shaped body and light bones in many animals in this breed. The high meat-qouta is also a breed parameter due to broad shoulders, long and wide back, and deep going leg muscles.

The early maturing, obedience, adaptation, easy birth, and good milk production to raise calves also characterise the Aberdeen Angus breed. The breed is famous for its small calves at birth, average birth mass of Angus calves is 35 kg. They reaches maturity at a very early , 8-12 months of age.

Because of its genetically confirmed virtues – it is widely know for its gentle fibred and well vascularised meat production – these qualities are often preferred in breeding and crossbreeding. These animals are specially qualified for producing beef, but a solid feeding is required to prevent early fatting. Minding the pasture-ground, the Aberdeen Angus can be held outside the whole year.